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Why are corporate formalities important to follow?

Why are corporate formalities important to follow?

We often see business owners ignore corporate formalities after incorporating their businesses. They labor under the misconception that forming a corporation[i], provides them with a full-proof shield from personal liability, despite how they conduct corporate affairs...
What Insurance Should I Get for My Business?

What Insurance Should I Get for My Business?

As with many questions we have addressed in our previous blogposts, this too does not have a one-size-fits-all answer. But before we delve into the question of what insurance to get for a new business, we first want to answer another primary question we often get from...
The basics of a Pre-incorporation Founders’ Agreement

The basics of a Pre-incorporation Founders’ Agreement

In our previous blogpost “Three legal “to-dos” as you begin your entrepreneurial journey” we touched upon the importance of a founders’ agreement. Here, we briefly discuss the basics of a pre-incorporation founders’ agreement. A founders’ agreement is a contract...